Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2 months


My little boy is getting sooo old! Kane just recently went to his 2 month doctors appointment. He weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces and was 22.5 inches long. He has gained 5 pounds one ounce and 2 inches since he was born. He is definitely filling out nicely. I realized I have become a typical first time mom. I was prepared with a list of questions to ask the doctor to make sure everything we have been experiencing is "normal". Turns out that despite a slow start he is developing right on track. It is amazing to see how much he changes every week. He definitely has Brandon's coloring with blue eyes and reddish-blonde hair and when they are together they look like twins. He has some of my features and only time will tell what will change next.
One of Kane's favorite things to do is shower with his dad. He gets comfort in the warm water and being held close. We know one day he will be embarrassed but for now we are going to cherish this time.
Kane is cooing and smiling more every day, which makes our hearts melt. He has the sweetest little voice when he can force it out. He is staying awake more during the day and unfortunately continues to be restless at night. I am getting used to getting up every 3 hours but I'm sure that will change when I have to go back to work next week.  Luckily I will be off at noon then later I can transition into full time hours. I am going to miss spending all my time with my little guy.

Monday, March 12, 2012

To sleep.....or not to sleep

Kane has settled into somewhat of a sleeping routine these days. He is usually up around midnight, four and then is ready to rise and shine around seven. I told him that we could sleep in on the weekends but he isn't having it. One of my favorite things is watching Kane at night, waiting in his boppy lounger for his bottle with bright and excited eyes because he knows what is coming. I would prefer it happen only one time a night though! I am waiting for the day when he sleeps a little bit longer periods of time. I really can't complain too much though because he is the best baby in the world....in my opinion.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

7 weeks old

Kane is becoming more alert and interactive each day. We love our time in the morning where we sit and talk about all sorts of things. He blows spit bubbles and works so hard to get little sounds to come out. Kane has great facial expressions and wide eyes that tell exactly how he is feeling at any given point in time. Every day he spends time on his colorful play mat looking at the different animals and colors hanging above his head. When it comes to "tummy time" Kane gets a little upset. He doesn't like being stuck face down! He is able to lift his head and has twice been so furious that he rolled from his stomach to his back. He is very advanced you know!
Kane loves to eat and is growing like a weed. He is around 12 pounds right now and has grown out of most of his newborn clothes. It is sad to have to put clothes in storage that he has only worn a couple of times. He is wearing a lot of his 3 month old clothes and has grown into bigger diapers. Kane will be 8 weeks old on Saturday and I'm glad we are to this point because things seem to get easier every day. I will probably regret saying that....