Thursday, June 28, 2012

5 months

This week we had another big first in Kane's life. I was in Portland from Monday to Wednesday for work and we spent two whole nights apart! Granted he did have his dad, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, and cousins to take care of him and keep him company. I had been dreading the trip for months but we officially survived and from what I heard everything went just fine.
We went to our first Mariners game with Kane for our 2 year anniversary. He did really great at the game and we enjoyed ourselves even if the Mariners lost....big surprise.
In a couple weeks Kane will turn 6 months old. He is now figuring out the places and people he knows and those he doesn't. As soon as something or someone is unfamiliar the bottom lip comes out to warn us that he is uncomfortable with the situation. When holding Kane he grabs and pinches our arms or anything he can get ahold of for that matter. He is eating veggies for dinner most nights. So far he likes the sweet potatoes and squash the best, but he will eat peas and green beans after a few disgusted facial expressions. Things have definitely been more interesting around our house.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

4 months and counting

A lot has happened since my last blog. Kane had his 4 month appointment and he was 15 pounds 12 ounces and 25 7/8 inches long! We went through another round of shots but Kane took it like a champ. He is growing normally and is as healthy as can be. He gains new skills every week and we have enjoyed watching him practice his new tricks. Kane is now rolling from his stomach to his back and likes to lay on his side. When laying on his back he grabs his fat little feet. We have to be on our toes because Kane is now reaching for everything and putting it in his mouth. Its probably a good thing he isn't mobile yet or we would be in big trouble. He is drooling so much he soaks the front of his shirts. Kane is growing a very interesting head of hair. It is blondish-red, fluffy and standing straight on end which makes for a good laugh.
Another new experience has been introducing rice cereal with a spoon and formula in his bottle. The look on his face was priceless when he tasted his first food other than breast milk. He was sooo disgusted and started gagging. Now we are in the swing of things and doing quite well with the spoon all things considering.
I recently had my first Mother's day and it is weird because I can't imagine my life without Kane. We spent time with family and friends and had a great day.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Almost 4 months

Kane will be 4 months old on May 14th! New things happening in Kane's world include lots of slobbering, laughing, grunting, and yelling just to hear himself. He is sitting up very well in his Bumbo seat so he can keep an eye on things. He has many talents like sticking his entire fist in his mouth just like Aunt Lynsey. Kane chews on everything making us think he will be getting teeth soon....that should be fun!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Things are changin'

Kane is changing right before our eyes. He is growing into a little boy with his own personality traits and I am excited but also sad in a way. Kane can go from happy and smiling to hysterical in seconds and is very impatient when it is time to eat. He laughs and giggles when we tickle his chubby legs and tummy. We have figured out his different cries now including the I'm mad, I'm starving, I'm whining, I'm hurting, and I'm a big faker cry.
He is outgrowing everything including clothes, socks, towels, and blankets. Kane has discovered his hands and constantly stares and plays with them in front of his face. It may be a bit premature, but we have recently started sitting in his Bumbo and reaching for toys. We figured we would start now because he is getting bored with laying all the time. He is very curious these days and likes to stand and look around. We are truly blessed to have our little man to entertain us every day. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter and more...

This past Sunday Kane celebrated his first Easter. We made a day of it with church, brunch at Aunt Angie's, and dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Duncan's. It was a fun filled day with food, gifts and Easter egg hunting. I can't wait until Kane can run around and hunt Easter eggs with his cousins.

Things are changing in little Kane's world. He has discovered his hands and stares (cross-eyed) at them and practices new cool moves he can do with them. He is more talkative and lights up when he hears our voices and those of his grandparents and aunties. Sometimes Kane will yell just to hear his own voice and to see if we are listening. He is beginning to realize that we are wrapped around his little chubby finger. Luckily we have settled into a routine for the work week. Everyone is making it to work and daycare on time and in one piece. Kane is doing great at daycare and he loves spending time with his dad in the mornings. Our little boy is going to be 3 months this Saturday and we can't believe how much we have all changed.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New schedule

I have been a lazy blogger, but there are so many new things happening in our crazy lives. I went back to work on March 28th for 6 hours a day and it was a very traumatic day for Brandon and me. It has been hard to get used to our new schedule. I start work at 6 a.m. and Brandon starts at 7 a.m. so we are all up at the crack of dawn, even when we don't sleep so well at night. Kane has been going to day care each day around 6:45 in the morning and I pick him up around 1:30 in the afternoon and I can hardly stand it! I am still very sad at work without him and I wonder what he is doing a lot. They assure me that he is doing great and behaving himself at day care so far so I am a proud mama.
I can't believe how much Kane changes every week. He is starting to smile and talk more and throws a laugh in every now and then. He also throws in a big pouty lip when necessary. He is very curious about the world around him. I catch him sucking on his hand and fingers more all the time. He is very busy and I have a feeling we are in for it later.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2 months


My little boy is getting sooo old! Kane just recently went to his 2 month doctors appointment. He weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces and was 22.5 inches long. He has gained 5 pounds one ounce and 2 inches since he was born. He is definitely filling out nicely. I realized I have become a typical first time mom. I was prepared with a list of questions to ask the doctor to make sure everything we have been experiencing is "normal". Turns out that despite a slow start he is developing right on track. It is amazing to see how much he changes every week. He definitely has Brandon's coloring with blue eyes and reddish-blonde hair and when they are together they look like twins. He has some of my features and only time will tell what will change next.
One of Kane's favorite things to do is shower with his dad. He gets comfort in the warm water and being held close. We know one day he will be embarrassed but for now we are going to cherish this time.
Kane is cooing and smiling more every day, which makes our hearts melt. He has the sweetest little voice when he can force it out. He is staying awake more during the day and unfortunately continues to be restless at night. I am getting used to getting up every 3 hours but I'm sure that will change when I have to go back to work next week.  Luckily I will be off at noon then later I can transition into full time hours. I am going to miss spending all my time with my little guy.